Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose in your DNA
Gene Keys is a personal transformation system and book by mystic, poet and teacher Richard Rudd. The sole purpose of Gene Keys exploration is to bring patients into their genius. Based on many teachings from around world and the Chinese Medicine I Ching, Gene Keys is synthesis of these truths. It teaches us about the ancient art of playful contemplation and how our attitude affects our DNA, sending signals to all the cells of our body. Negative thoughts or emotions send a message to our DNA to contract, whereas positive thoughts and emotions cause our system to relax and move into clarity. Gene Keys reminds us that we have the power to create a life of greatness by simply stepping into who we were meant to be.
Gene Keys Coaching with Dusty Bodeen, LMT LAc MAcOM
Gene Key's coaching includes a overview of your free personal hologenetic profile based on your birthday and birth location. In these sessions you receive personal coaching on how to use the Gene Keys transmission as away to clear inner conflict and raise the frequency passing through your DNA.